英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:59:09
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. hit against
come into sudden contact with

e.g. The car hit a tree
He struck the table with his elbow

Synonym: hitstrikeimpinge onrun into

1. collide with的反义词

1. 抵触:cling to粘住;依附;坚持 | collide with抵触 | compensate for补偿,赔偿

2. collide with

2. 冲突:collet 宝石座 | collide with 冲突 | collide 碰撞

3. 碰撞:12. plunge onto the shore 跳上岸;(海浪等)拍上岸 | 13. collide with 碰撞 | 14. the essential information 中心思想

4. collide with

4. 抵触,冲突;碰撞,互撞:cling o粘住; 依附;坚持 | collide with 抵触,冲突;碰撞,互撞 | compensate for 补偿,赔偿

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Now Russian scientists estimate Apophis will collide with Earth on April 13, 2036.(现在俄罗斯科学家们预计阿波菲斯可能在2036年4月13号与地球相撞。)
The aims of the negotiators in New York again seem likely to collide with the aims of the warriors in the field.(纽约谈判者的目标看起来可能再次与战场上勇士们的目标相冲突。)
That's a consumer's dream, but eventually it's going to collide with reality: if newspapers' profits vanish, so will their product.(这是一个消费者的美梦,它最终将受到现实的抵触:如果报纸的利润消失殆尽,它们的产品也一样。)
They may suck hydrogen away from nearby stars in a process called "mass transfer," or collide with them and absorb them whole.(它们可能通过“质量传递”的过程从附近恒星那里吸收氢气,或者与相邻的恒星相撞并将其全部吸收。)
This creates downward air currents. These downdrafts hit the surface of the planet, flow outward, and collide with each other, forming updrafts.(气流向下落在地球表面,向外流动,相互碰撞,如此一来就形成上升气流。)
Drivers routinely collide with deer and there are so many dead bodies left by the side of the road that the town has made it a deal with a local pet cemetery to collect and dispose of the bodies.(司机经常与鹿相撞,路边留下了如此之多的尸体,因此小镇与当地的宠物墓地就收集和处理尸体达成协议。)
But as human beings, we are used to have our eyes on top of the body, with which we collide with our world, not in the middle of it.(但是从人的角度,我们习惯于“眼睛在身体的上方”,而眼睛在身体中间是同我们的现实世界相抵触的。)
When these displaced atoms collide with other atoms, the damage spreads.(当移位的原子与其他原子发生碰撞,造成的破坏就蔓延开来。)
Would birds collide with the buoys or turtles become entangled in the cables?(鸟儿会不会撞上浮标?海龟会不会被缆索缠住?)
Andromeda will be even more impressive in 4.5bn years' time, when it is expected to collide with our own galaxy, the Milky Way.(预计44亿年后,仙女座星系将与银河系相撞,到时候仙女座星系会更加壮观。)
collide with是什么意思 collide with在线翻译 collide with什么意思 collide with的意思 collide with的翻译 collide with的解释 collide with的发音 collide with的同义词